Category: blog

uma das varias maneiras q se pode deturpar uma frase, um versiculo, um texto ou uma historia….

é um debate onde sao mostrados varios trexos modificados…inclusive o proprio rubens saiu do debate, ficou sem contra-argumentos.

Principalmente quando esse “livro” não é um livro. É uma coletânea de livros separados que foi COMPILADA por ninguém mais, ninguém menos que a elite política de Roma, algo tão imundo e inumano que faz nosso atual Congresso parecer uma reunião de velhinhas beneficentes a beber chá e jogar bingo. 
As pessoas, notadamente os evanjegues, acham que a “briba” desceu do céu em carruagem dourada escoltada por anjos.

Nem TODO O LIVRO, está perdido. Mas, dado o post, os CRISTÃOS originais, esses sim eram verdadeiramente Cristãos. O resto é Paulinismo.

Então no caso, quem criou o mundo em sete dias foi a propria serpente, vulgo Jeová do antigo testamento?

Exato. Isso que conhecemos, que é divulgado em todas as esquinas, em igrejas por todo canto, em rádio, em TV, não é cristianismo (gnosticismo), é uma paródia que foi criada com o objetivo específico de iludir:

Em Gênese 1:26 está escrito: “Façamos o homem à NOSSA imagem e semelhança”. Nossa = segunda pessoa do PLURAL. 
Para abafar essa discrepância do tamanho da Rússia, os prostitutos, digo, teólogos, usaram o conceito de trindade, alegando que o plural se refere ao Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo. Golpe de mestre!
O que está sendo descrito ali é a queda do paraíso, que nada mais é do que a queda do ser humano da quinta para a terceira dimensão em virtude da invasão reptiliana e manipulação de nosso DNA (jeová, dois irmãos: geneticista e outro que queria destruir todos nós, seilá kk).

Como falei acima, a bíblia não existe, é uma invenção da elite romana, vide Concílio de Nicéia. Ali tem livros diferentes que foram costurados juntos por conveniencia e intenção de iludir.

Se eu pego um livro do Paulo Coelho, outro da Clarice Lispector e mais outro da Zíbia Gasparetto e costuro junto, isso os torna a mesma coisa? foi isso que Roma fez. E tem gente que até hoje não se liga, a despeito de até mesmo a história oficial confirmar isso.

Por acaso, os evangelhos apócrifos são os mais revolucionários, os que contém os conhecimentos mais perigosos à elite reptilluminati. Tudo aquilo que não convinha, foi chamado apócrifo. O que eles acharam que dava pra distorcer e abafar, foi incluído na Bíblia. A despeito de alguns evangelhos da Bíblia, como o de Mateus, serem bastante revolucionários.

Agora como vc explica à horda de crentes e católicos do mundo que não existe a bíblia, existe uma miríade de escrituras costuradas conforme à conveniência da elite romana? Que ali tem verdade misturada com mentira? Vc não explica. A magia negra foi feita pela cúria, os livros foram costurados pra sempre e ali estão até hoje sendo chamados de “palavra de Deus”. A parte mais trágica é que ali realmente está a palavra de Deus, só que não apenas a dele, a de seu inimigo está junto, misturada.

fonte: facebook

1. Actual Clones 

This is a person who has been grown from a test tube (called “in vitro”) or implanted womb, which has the identical genetic makeup to another person—an identical twin so to speak in terms of genetic makeup. The genetic coding has reproduced, and a new person who is an identical twin is now in existence.

2. Synthetic People 

These are “persons” who look everybit as real as a real person, but simulate human beings. Certain tissues extracted from cattle are the starting point. (This is part of the reason for cattle mutilations.) The process is an advancement of a process discovered in the late 1950’s. This 1959 experiment was reported in a book in 1968 called The Biological Time Bomb by Gordon Rettray Taylor. Taylor describes the experiment done in France, “They had extracted DNA from the cells of the khaki Cam phells and had injected it into the white Pekins, thinking that just possibly the offspring of the latter might show some character derived from khaki Campbells. To their astonishment the actual ducks they injected began to change. Their white feathers darkened, and their necks began to take on the peculiar curve which is a mark of the khaki Campbell.” The scientists working under the auspices of the Rothschilds, (who are directed by Satan himself) developed this process by working at secret breakneck speed. They developed an advanced development of the process they discovered with the DNA chicken experiment. By the late 1970’s, synthetic people could be produced by the Illuminati.

3. Organic Robotoids 

This is an “artificial life” form that is created through processes that are totally different than cloning or synthetics. Organic robotoid technology is being made to make exact as possible copies of important people such as Presidents and some of their staff. For instance, the Jimmy Carter who came to Portland a few years ago who I stood two feet away from and examined visually was not the Jimmy Carter that had run for President. On Easter, 1979 the first robotoid model of Jimmy Carter replaced the man Jimmy Carter. By the time “Carter” was seen by me, they must have been on at least robotoid no. 100. This is why a friend of mine who was recently in Washington D.C. almost bumped into President Clinton jogging. My friend was surprised by the lack of security. Kaiser Aluminum News which is put out by Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation put out a series of articles to a specialized audience in the 1960’s. This material was also published under the book title The Dynamics of Change (Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1967). Under the title heading “GENETIC MANIPULATION” we read, “The ability to control the formation of new beings may be one of the most basic developments of the future. Recent discoveries about the nucleonic acids, the basic building blocks of life, have led to the belief that man may some day be able to treat genes in such a way that desired characteristics can be realized…” Under the heading “MAN-MACHINE SYMBIOSIS” we read, “…Computers exist which can learn, remember, see, seek goals, reason, walk, sing on key, talk, be irritable, play games, grasp, adapt to an environment and even design improvements in themselves.. .man-like computers may one day contain plasma circulating through a viscera-like envelope, allowing them to be self-healing.” Under the heading “HUMAN ROBOTS” we read, “…An electronic circuit that imitates two neurons, the cells of the human brain, has been built, and has enabled a robot to deal with some unexpected situations, but the neuron structure was bulky. The brain has billions of neurons, meaning an incredible miniaturization job will be necessary before truly ‘human’ robots are developed.” As the reader knows since the 1960’s when this was written an incredible miniaturation job has been done in computers. What the public knows of that minituration is incredible and that is only part of what has actually occurred. In fact, scientists are now able to manipulate DNA to create computers. A basic thing that is needed to create a computer is material that will consistently change given some type of “signal”. This is because the computer works off of base two—or what is simply an on—off switch system, or a 0 or 1 system of numbers. Living biological material is superior to other material for making computers because the heat created by the methods in conventional computers slows the speed. For super-computers to work at great speeds they need to use biological material that will not heat up. This type of miituration has already been done. It creates computers far beyond what we are familiar with. Organic robotoids are amazingly humanlike, so humanlike that it is hard for the scientists who have created them to get used to the idea that they are not humans. Biological computer brains for the robotiods 

Page 311 …

came as a result of research into holograms. If you tear up a conventional photograph you ruin it, but if you tear up the film that produces a hologram, each piece still contains almost all the same image. This is why part of the brain of people can be removed and the brain regain what it had lost. A holographic image of a person’s brain is made, and then when the brain of a robotoid is made, the biological computer in its head is caused to form according to the holographic record of a person being copied. Some deviations from the holographic record are needed, because the “person” is a robotoid and not a person. The brain of the robotoid has almost all of the correct memory of the person reproduced, but the robotoid brain is really a computer made from biological material which is programmed, it is not a human brain. First, “Clinton” has the energy to jog because it may well be a robotoid, and second thing, an assassination of a robotoid is not so serious. These robotoids have a biological computer-brain that is programmed. They can think in the sense a computer thinks, but secret advances in understanding the human brain, have allowed the makers of organic robotoids to have the memory of a person at a given point in time transferred to an organic robotoid. The key then for making what appears to be a clone—but they are not a real clone—is to capture the person to be copied and make a holographic copy of the brain memory and transfer that to the robotoid.

4. Doubles (look alikes) 

There is an ongoing program to find look alikes for prominent people, as well as a program to create secret identical twins (which are separated at birth and never see each other). George Bush’s double was promiscuous, while George Bush is a pedophile. His double was living in France after Bush was no longer President. By the use of doubles, (or one of the synthetics or organic robotoids) the elite are able to sneak away and perform satanic rituals. On certain occasions, if Clinton or Bush only needed to do low level tasks in front of the public, they could have their double substitute for them. The Illuminati working with several organizations has had a look alike operation where doubles of certain key people are found and then used. In the book Desert Shield and The New World Order pub. by Northpoint Tactical Teams, Topton, NC, if you look on page 32 you will see a picture of the original FDR who had a mole over his eyes and then you will a see a picture of the double of Roosevelt who they used, who had no mole and had different ear lobes. Roosevelt may have died prior to when it was actually announced. Over the years I have seen numerous photos exposing either the Robotoids or the doubles that they use. This author’s previous S’ ’93 article had some pictures about the dead Pope Paul VI, who my Be Wise As Serpents book said was murdered. This recent Pope was replaced with a double who had had plastic surgery. As a double gets older the plastic surgery will not look as convincing, because time changes people differently. One ex-Catholic said the whole thing sounded like science fiction. It does sound far out at first, but the evidence is there for people to see. For myself, the ex-Illuminati have told me about the double’s program. From what I understand the double or look-alike program has been more successful than the robotoids and synthetics. The reason is that people live longer and are more dependable in some ways. The project to find look alikes for prominent people has been very successful. Plastic surgery has also been done to help touch up the doubles. 


This Appendix covers 4 different methods that have been used to make copies of people, these were cloning, creating synthetic duplicates, creating organic robotoids, and finding look alike doubles. [Programs for all four of these methods have had almost unlimited funding by the intelligence/Illuminati elite.] Next, the basic principles for creating a synthetic human were covered. Synthetic humans were in some ways found to be superior to the robotoids that were created. The first few years of robotoids were fraught with problems. [Since my inside information is somewhat dated, I cannot give readers the status of current robotoid abilities, however, I believe from what I’ve seen that the program continues.] The synthetics were people who had their genes altered to look more like the person they were to copy. The robotoids were the formation of new beings that look human but are actually bionic robots. Their memories were created by using living “brain tissue” which is some type of programmable living biological matter, and programming this material as a sophisticated computer. In order to get the memory of the person being copied, a holographic image of the person’s brain is made and transferred to the robotoid. Because the robotoid “brain” is not functioning like a human (although the end result is nearly identical so that viewers have to know what differences to look for), there are of course some adjustments that have to be made after the holographic image of the host is transferred to the living biological matter that will function as the brain of the robotoid. Lord Willing, this author may write some more on this topic later. The ability of the Illuminati to copy people using the 4 methods listed above, are not going to be the deciding factor in their moves to control the world, but it does give them a great deal of flexibility in their operations. This author frequently reflects on the words of the Illuminati Grand Master who told Cisco, who was then a child, while touring a cloning facility, “never, never think you are seeing who you think you are seeing.”

From “Deeper insights into the Illuminati formula”

by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler

Robotoids and clones

Human clones are made by other humans from the DNA of a single cell, where a replica of the physical body is reproduced. That clone is only physical and has no soul, therefore, it has no God-connection. Clones can mate and reproduce clone children. A clone and a souled-human can mate and, again, only reproduce clone children.

Humans have no means to create a soul in another human clone, therefore, human clones have no soul and no concept of right and wrong, no conscience and no compassion. They have survival instinct and are greatly concerned about their own death, but not the welfare and death of others.

This explains why so many people today have no values, no morals, no ethics and are prone to violence.

They are more easily programmed through our mind-control type education and military training than are souled-humans with a freewill. Clones have no freewill, only a sense of survival, and will act accordingly through conditioned behavior.

The eye is the window of the soul. In the eye of another souled-human you can sense the Light emanating from the soul, the God Spirit within. As I said earlier, soul or God Spirit within, so there is no God-connection to the eternal Light of Creator Source. Therefore, there is no the human clone has no spiritual discernment. The eyes of a human clone may appear dull, blank, hollow, dark, vacant, lifeless, empty with no vibrancy or Light. They have no reaction to or understanding of spiritual energy, concepts or conversation.

The human clone acts robotically and is incapable of changing programming or thinking outside of “the box”. Repetitive work and actions are not a problem. A human adult clone today can be made from a single cell in less than thirty-six hours. I am not joking. Russia had perfected cloning by the mid 1970’s, and the Rothschilds were close behind in cloning technology.

(from )

I worked in a scene with Brad not long ago.

He had no dialog in the scene but between

takes he didn’t say one word to anyone. He

just did whatever the director told him to

do as far as his movements in the scene but

he didn’t say a word to the director or any-

one else. That’s unusual. The director would

tell him to go here or there and walk this way

or that and he would just do it without a word.

At the time I thought, “Gee, he’s like a little wind-up 

doll.” He showed no evident personality at all.

When going to or from the set he had this odd

shuffling way of walking where he dragged his

feet as he walked. It was noisy the way he 

dragged his feet along and it seemed odd and 

he had a sort of mindless, faint smile on his face. 

But, during the takes he would walk normally.

On or around Friday 28th December 2007, Henry Paulson, the USA Treasury Secretary, was shot at close range in the chest, by an assassin. He was reported to be in a critical condition. On Tuesday 1st January 2008, Paulson was still alive, but with the bullet still lodged in his chest. He was too weak to be operated upon. Henry Paulson died on Wednesday 2nd January 2008. During 2007, Paulson had illegally conveyed substantial sums of money to Israel. Like the American CIA, the Israeli intelligence community was in a state of internal civil war as to how best to manage the Citibank / Wanta / NESARA crisis.

Insider USA military sources, some of whom were present at the Paulson shooting, have confirmed his death. Henry Paulson’s family started to organise funeral arrangements immediately after seeing him die in hospital. An obituary was published on Wikipedia underneath Paulson’s photograph, but was then removed within hours of posting. All major USA news outlets had freshly updated Paulson obituaries ready to run. More details here (04.01.08) and here (04.01.08).

At this stage, the Bush White House was preparing an attempt to represent Henry Paulson’s assassination as a heart attack. Other heart attacks were expected.

On Thursday 3rd January 2008, President George Bush Jnr was confronted verbally with the death of Henry Paulson at a meeting.

“That’s a lie,” Bush responded.

“Well, produce him.”

“I can’t, he’s sick.”

“Yes, dead men are usually sick before they die.”

“Can you produce the five Cheney assistants who have been shot?”


The word in Washington DC was that Henry Paulson had been quietly cremated in an attempt to conceal the nature of his injuries and the manner of his death. More details here.

At 2.00pm on Friday 4th January 2008, an image of Henry Paulson sitting next to President George Bush Jnr and Vice President Dick Cheney, was shown on USA television (CNBC). The Paulson image did not speak. The Paulson body language and physiognomic responses were said to be atypical. Fox News carried edited footage of the broadcast later in the day (picture here). How this Paulson image was generated is being actively discussed. It could have been a Paulson hologram, a Paulson lookalike, a Paulson clone or a CIA home video (from their Osama bin Laden studio, perhaps). These days, at the Camp David human clone laboratories (Maryland), it is possible to produce an adult human clone from originator DNA and matched tissue bank samples in less than 36 hours. 

Late note: Henry Paulson was assassinated by a Russian special operations unit, whose security colleagues had also put the severed horse’s head in George Bush’s bed at Crawford. By the weekend of 5th / 6th January 2008, the Bush White House had taken a tactical decision to pretend that Henry Paulson was not dead, and to prosecute this pretence in the media. A combination of library video footage, computer-generated imagery, holographic projection techniques, Paulson clones, and an articulate financial lookalike called Edward Lazear would be used to sustain the fiction of Henry Paulson’s continued public presence.


The technology that our secret world government has is beyond belief, as they always stay at least one-hundred years ahead of the knowledge of the common people. In 1979 the Russian’s cloning technology had advanced so far, that they were able to replace with human clones the major players in the U.S. Government, including Carter, Bush, Sr., Mondale, Kissinger, and Rockefeller and their wives among others.

When President Bush, Sr. left office he was clone number 34 and when President Clinton left office he was clone number 21. Today, an adult human clone can be produced in less than 36 hours, and the brain is then down-loaded with the desired information.

Is Henry Paulson dead? My military sources, some of whom participated in the incident in which Paulson was killed, say this is true. I have been informed that the Henry Paulson family are now making funeral arrangements for him. Why is this so, if he were alive?


For super-computers to work at great speeds they need to use biological material that will not heat up. This type of miituration has already been done. It creates computers far beyond what we are familiar with. Organic robotoids are amazingly humanlike, so humanlike that it is hard for the scientists who have created them to get used to the idea that they are not humans. 

Biological computer brains for the robotiods came as a result of research into holograms. If you tear up a conventional photograph you ruin it, but if you tear up the film that produces a hologram, each piece still contains almost all the same image. This is why part of the brain of people can be removed and the brain regain what it had lost. A holographic image of a person’s brain is made, and then when the brain of a robotoid is made, the biological computer in its head is caused to form according to the holographic record of a person being copied. Some deviations from the holographic record are needed, because the “person” is a robotoid and not a person. The brain of the robotoid has almost all of the correct memory of the person reproduced, but the robotoid brain is really a computer made from biological material which is programmed, it is not a human brain. 

These robotoids have a biological computer-brain that is programmed. They can think in the sense a computer thinks, but secret advances in understanding the human brain, have allowed the makers of organic robotoids to have the memory of a person at a given point in time transferred to an organic robotoid. The key then for making what appears to be a clone—but they are not a real clone—is to capture the person to be copied and make a holographic copy of the brain memory and transfer that to the robotoid.

Charlize Theron has been laying low these days, so when we saw her last week at the East of Havana screening in NYC, we were totally surprised by how different she looked. We tend to think of Charlize as a sunny blonde so it took us a minute to fully register her severely slicked back brunette hair and red lips. Clearly, she’s a beauty either way, but the looks are so different that we can’t resist comparing! 




Meteorito que caiu na Rússia seria 1.000 vezes MAIOR que o original

The ‘Robocop’ headset that lets police see through walls and identify suspects just by LOOKING at them

The Zeitgeist Movement: EXPOSED!1

Its a drill and a fake and staged event:

December 14, 2012, 10:25 AM
and no children anywhere, but corpse dummies like in a drill …

Watch the heli footage here:
Sandy Hook News Chopper Helicopter Footage
Crystal Clear – HD and Zooms

Notice, that NOTHING is happening at the school – NOTHING!

We can even see creepy liar Gene Rosen:
@ 2:04 left side edge of screen talking to a guy north west of ambulance 
@ 4:28 walking out of back stage area
@ 7:52 & 8:16 wandering around corner of building +@ 8:28 wipes his head to express “stress” just like he does in his interviews to news channels
@ 10:18 enters the view from top left of screen – you can make out a bearded guy – just walking to and fro
Compare his clothing to the picture or to this link:

Original Uploader Description:

Published on Jan 24, 2013
At 00:20 into the video clip, shadow direction analysis indicates that a Time of Day of 10 : 25am might be the starting point of this video clip. I am uploading the Time of Day analysis based on shadow direction analysis at this time, 12:06am, (midnight) … please check my most recent upload for the Time of Day analysis. I need your assistance and critical observations of the work I have done, please. 

We think we see Gene Rosen in this video clip, did he leave those poor kids at his house while he went to hobnob at the Firehouse? Or perhaps he was just earning his pay.

Sandy Hook Helicopter, Chopper Footage – Crystal Clear – HD and Zooms see anybody you know?

@0:15 it’s about 11:15 AM EST.

@0:4:59 we see the policeman with the dog, his shadow passes perfectly, crisply over the “Parent Drop Off” parking lot lettering. The angle of the camera is off only be a few degrees to the direction of his shadow, not that it would matter in the type of analysis I’m doing.

The direction of the K9 officer’s shadow can be plotted in Google Earth with a line segment and a Time of Day can be made that is accurate to within 5 minutes. 

@05:13 the utility pole shadow. Extending the line on this shadow in Photoshop on a screen grab of this frame, and then transferring that to Google Earth, and making an analysis of the direction of that shadow will yield a Time of Day accurate to within ONE MINUTE.

@09:09 there are the WHITE CHAIRS, that some were saying were corpses on the Medical Tarps, notice, there is a large person, and lady, rocking forwards and backwards in the front row middle chair.


To really drive the validity of this type of “Time of Day” shadow direction and length analysis home, take a good shadow as early as possible in the beginning of this unedited, seamless video clip, analyze it, then take a shadow in the last part of the clip, analyze it, the results will be very concurrent with the time stamps on the video. If it is a seamless, unedited, continuous live footage clip.

This is some News Chopper footage by “News Chopper 12” I scrounged up. Please watch it closely, I don’t see many children, AT ALL, just a bunch of adults, a few children at the fire station, lots of close ups. I’ll do some Time of Day estimates on this, looks like around 11:15 PM EST or later at first glance. We can see those WHITE CHAIRS at the fire station clearly in this video. We can see the cop with the dog, very clearly and he’s in a different place, possibly coming onto the scene from the firehouse.


Ex agente especial do FBI ,fala sobre a chemtrails ( Rastros Químicos no céu).

Explicação sobre o CHEMTRAIL, por Vapera.
Em primeiro lugar, vou explicar como funciona uma geladeira para que não haja palpites menores de doutos do tema chemtrail (trilha química) ou contrail (trilha de condensação) nos rastros de aviões.
O funcionamento de uma geladeira é baseado em uma característica termodinâmica simples, quanto maior o volume, mais calor é possível armazenar, dada uma substância ou elemento específico, e quanto menor o volume, menos calor “cabe” dentro dos mesmos.

Assim uma geladeira nada mais é do que um gás com grande poder de troca térmica (assim como a água o é) que, dessa forma, tira o calor dos alimentos armazenados e o manda para o meio ambiente.
Entendendo isso fica a pergunta de como isso ocorre, e aí é onde entra a parte interessante da questão.
O gás, quando expande, fica frio (pois o calor é pequeno para aquece-lo) e assim rouba o calor, e, quando é comprimido, fica líquido, doa calor, pois fica quente, e dessa forma o ciclo permanece.
Doa calor do lado de fora da geladeira, resfria e é expandido, passando do lado de dentro da geladeira, toma o calor interno e é encaminhado para a serpentina externa mais fina, onde doa o calor para o ambiente, e tudo isso acontece com a compressão depois de passar por dentro da geladeira fazendo a temperatura do gas aumentar e depois comprimido (capilarmente, com mudança de espessura do cano) e circulado por fora fazendo o gás doar calor e expandido de novo fica frio e de novo vai tomar a temperatura interna em um processo contínuo de circuito fechado.
Observo aqui que o freon 12 o tal gás de geladeira é o tal proibido gás que dizem que afeta o ozônio (clorofluorcarbono), e isso é uma MENTIRA, apenas a patente desse gás caiu de forma a não mais gerar royalties e assim proibindo garante que novos gases criados gerarão royalties. 
Entendida essa questão vamos ao que é um contrail (trilha de condensação). 
O combustível líquido é injetado na camara de combustão que é composta por um ignicionante (uma tocha) e a camara em si, ele entra vaporizado igual ao método usado naquelas garrafinhas que bombeiam a água nas plantas, um orifício bem pequeno (como um giclê) e isso faz as gotas ficarem bem pequenas e facilmente explodíveis (lembrem o que falei sobre o volume e a temperatura – isso é o mesmo método para sinterização, onde o metal diminuido a grãos mínimos se aquece e funde em temperaturas bem mais baixas), e quando injetadas na câmara com ar comprimido ou pelas paletas da turbina ou só pela velocidade do corpo (estatoreator, motor de aviões foguetes), explode fazendo com que a pressão e temp elevem brutalmente e sejam expulsas pela boca de saida. Quando entram em contato com o meio brutalmente menos denso, o ar rarefeito da estratosfera, o gas expandido (água e co2, hidrocarbonetos queimados geram isso) de forma rápida se congela pois fica muito “grande” para temperatura que tem, e isso é a trilha de condensação. A caracteristica dessas trilhas é o tempo curto de “vida”, pois continua se expandindo e sendo ventado por jetstreams, que são ventos de até 300 km por hora que existem na alta atmosfera, dessa forma as particulas de gelo (a trilha em si), a “fumaça”, vai se dissipando e sumindo, afinal são só microgotas e microgotas espalhadas somem.
Aqui observo que ao nível do mar 100% de umidade equivale a 2% de água no ar, e que a neblina ocorre quando a coisa fica com mais de 100% de umidade e dessa forma as gotas se juntam ficando pesadas e caindo em direção ao solo, pois para flutuarem tem que ser bem pequenas.
*******************CHEMTRAIL **********
Já nos chemtrail (trilhas químicas) o que ocorre é que substâncias densas que não são água são aspergidas (ou espargidas) na atmosfera e esses produtos não se dissolvem, ficam muito tempo no ar, pois tem diferentes temperaturas (e viscosidade, densidade etc.) de volatização da água e do co2.
Essas trilhas não são água ou co2. Não sei o que são, mas parece que já fizeram a analise desses componentes e parece que a coisa é bem perigosa, indo desde polímeros, passando por metais e chegando inclusive a componentes orgânicos.
De maneira prosaica podemos fazer o experimento em casa, coloquem um bife (quem come carne) para fritar e coloquem água para ferver ao lado. Qual o que permanece no ar e gruda nas paredes?
O mesmo acontece com combustíveis com muitos corpúsculos sólidos como o diesel, quando o motor está mal regulado emite muito corpusculo e polui “coloridamente” negro e perdurante, fica o chemtrail (isso é chemtrail) muito tempo depois do caminhão ter passado, enquanto um combustível com pouco corpusculos só faz a trilha de co2 e a água condensa ainda no cano de descarga, as gotinhas de um carro a álcool.

Como vemos, existe uma aspersão de coisas que nao são pertinentes com o combustível usado e isso por si só já seria estranho.

Se observarmos, as núvens tem ficado bem diferentes, mais densas e compactas, pesadas. Existe uma névoa quase permanente, diferente da névoa de condensação e em lugares conhecidos pelo céu claro isso é mais evidente (em SP isso nem deve ser notado, no RJ ou outra região litorânea tampouco, visto que a maresia faz o mesmo) e essa névoa está bloqueando os raios solares.
A alegação é a tal de geoengenharia, buscando bloquear o sol para reduzir a temperatura.
Mas como expliquei, é impossível o ser humano (o CO2 gerado por ele) ser a causa de aquecimento global, pois o aquecimento natural ou artifical gera mais evaporação e consequentemente mais precipitação, a estratosfera é o expansor e serpentina (igual geladeira) externa da terra, com redução da temperatura (depois da chuva a temp cai), logo se aquecer muito, vai esfriar brutal, nova era glacial!!!

Tudo isso me leva a crer em algo bem cavernoso:
Sundown e outras imundicies bloqueadoras são metal em um veículo escipiente, metais esses via de regra titânio, alumínio e zinco (que coincidentemente são os ditos componentes de chemtrail), é assim que bloqueiam o sol, fazem a pele virar espelho!!
Entendendo que os maiores beneficiários com esse troço são fármacos, exatamente aqueles que precisam de doenças e paranoias para vender seus produtos, posso concluir que eles não querem beneficiar o povo, mas sim os papeis da bolsa e lucros absurdos.

Se bloqueiam o sol, é sinal de que o sol é benéfico e cura o corpo, e isso é uma ameaça a eles, corpo são não procura remédio (eu não uso nenhum protetor solar, não vou a médico a mais de 20 anos, e só ia por acidentes, pergunto qual médico iria ganhar dinheiro comigo? Vinte anos de inanição:-D), logo o sol que é o astro rei, fonte absoluta da fecundação terrestre, seria um inimigo? Ou uma corja de salafros preocupados com a opressão social (fonte de poder) estão mentindo?

Acredito que essas explosões solares são benéficas para a saude, mas bem maléficas para esse bando.
Portanto acho importante que busquemos a eliminação dessas “dedetizações” nos “insetos” humanos, que são daninhos pela transgenia e não pela condição primeva, a de seres em harmonia com o meio ambiente.

Ou nós nos preocupamos com os propalados e denominados reptilianos ou vamos repetir de ano.